Essex Boys and Girls Clubs is a Club for Clubs
Our Members are a network of affiliated youth clubs across Essex and London.
Our member clubs are diverse, ranging from the small rural youth clubs with under 20 members, to large multi-facility clubs with over 500 members. Some clubs are open almost 24 hours a day. All of our member clubs are run by volunteers and register a membership of young people who pay ‘subs’, from as little as 20p per session, to attend. Some of our clubs also offer drop-in, outreach or targeted services alongside their membership.
Why do Clubs Affiliate?
The EBGC activity program gives clubs access to a wide variety of additional activities, extending the facilities they can offer to their members and aiding the all-round development of young people.
Interested in Affiliating your Club?
Affiliation is a partnership – we support you and your club members and in turn we expect you to get your club engaged in our activities. The affiliation process begins with a phone call chat, then a visit. If appropriate, we may then put your club forward to our Executive Committee for their approval to affiliate.
Our Service for Affiliated Clubs
Each of the affiliated clubs in our network is assigned a Club Servicing Office, who is a point of contact. A club can expect their CSO to visit a few times a year to see how the club is getting on and address any questions you might have. They will also be in touch by phone an email more often an a club can call their CSO or anyone else in the team with queries.
Is your Club already Affiliated?
Already Affiliated and looking to renew? Renewal of your Annual Affiliation is due on the 1st April each year.