Duke of Edinburgh Award
We deliver the Duke of Edinburgh Award through our youth clubs in Essex and East London.
We provide support to clubs and schools to run a full award programme and our specialism is the delivery of the Expedition section.
Why should your club or school run a DofE program?
The DofE programme is a personal development programme for 14-24 year olds. It’s a real adventure including loads of new experiences, the discovery of new talents, the mastering of challenges and lots of new friends.
Then there’s all the other stuff…
- Skills for life and work: achieving an Award gives young people the skills, confidence and a view on life that everyone is looking for, from employers to colleges and universities.
- Recognition: young people get recognised for doing things that they want to do (and may even be doing already).
- Make a difference: young people make a difference to other people’s lives and their community, become fitter and healthier, make new friends and have memories to last a lifetime.
What does the DofE Award consist of?
There are three award levels:
- Bronze
For 14 – 24 year olds ~ takes a minimum of 6 months - Silver
For 15 – 24 year olds ~ takes a minimum of 12 months (6 months for Bronze Award holders) - Gold
For 16 – 24 year olds ~ takes a minimum of 18 months (12 months for Silver Award holders)
Each young person must complete a set of required tasks by doing activities of their choice. The activities must fulfill criteria in each of the following areas:
- Volunteering: Undertaking service to individuals or the community.
- Physical: Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
- Skills: Developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
- Expedition: Planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.
- Residential: (Gold Award only) Involves working and staying away from home doing a shared activity.
The young people log their progress themselves and are supported by our Assessor.
What does EBGC do for DofE?
We provide guidance and support from start to finish, including the assessments and expedition. You will need to appoint a leader volunteer or staff member to liaise with our team.
For more information, contact us >
Members of Wickham St Paul Youth Club stride out at the start of their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award group expedition